I have had the privilege to have been Jacky’s manager since 2011. What an easy and pleasant task! In addition to being an authority in her subject area, Jacky was also the most organised person I have ever met. She was amazingly professional. Because she was always totally on top of everything she had time and space, to go the extra mile and gain the appreciation and deep respect of clients, colleagues and collaborators alike.
But above all it was Jacky’s great warmth and sense of humour which touched everyone she met. Since her passing I have received innumerable thoughts, not only from her immediate colleagues in the Energy, Environment and Infrastructure team, but also from people with whom she worked all over the world. E-mails of condolence have come from colleagues in London, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Houston, Chicago, Washington, Dusseldorf, Madrid, Lisbon and Stockholm. All say how much they loved to work with Jacky and how much she will be missed. The same goes for me!
piers willson
15th February 2015